Editor-in-Chief: Luca Masotti
Abbreviated key title: Glob. J. Respir. Care
ISSN(Online): 2312-5470
Periodicity: One Volume per year (Open Access)
Contact us: info@savvysciencepublisher.com
Global Journal of Respiratory Care is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that aims to cover the research and advancement in respiratory care and all relevant fields.
We aim to serve all health care personnel dealing with respiratory care including pulmonologists, intensivists, anaesthesiologists, physicians, physiotherapists, critical care nurses and other allied healthcare professionals by publishing the high-quality scholarly content on recent developments in their fields.
The Journal welcomes original research studies, review articles, case reports, clinical studies, meta-analysis, surveys and conference proceedings containing new insight into any aspect of respiratory care.
Subject areas include (but are not restricted to):
- Respiratory therapy
- Respiratory medicine
- Pulmonology
- Respiratory critical care
- Respiratory care nursing
- Home respiratory care
- Sleep medicine
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- Pulmonary rehabilitation
- Paediatric respiratory care
- Respiratory healthcare education
- Diagnostic approaches in respiratory care
- Pulmonary physiology
- Respiratory allergic disease
- Respiratory care equipments and technologies
- Respiratory oncology
- Respiratory failure