Editor-in-Chief: Kiminobu Sugaya (View Profile)
Abbreviated key title: J. Psychol. Psychother.Res
ISSN: (Online): 2313-1047
Periodicity: One Volume per year (Open Access)
Contact us: info@savvysciencepublisher.com
Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy Research is a widely displayed platform for the publication of high quality work in the fields of psychology and psychotherapy. The journal publishes articles addressing new developments, innovations, and cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research in psychology; welcoming all relevant theoretical and methodological contributions from all around the world.
The journal publishes Original research articles, Brief articles (reports on study results, updates on previously reported results), experimental studies, review articles, meta-analysis. Authors are also encouraged to submit closely related articles for special issues with a particular thematic focus of the filed.
Research areas included in the journal (but not limited to):
- Behavioral psychology
- Child psychology
- Clinical psychology
- Cognitive science and psychology
- Consciousness research
- Counseling psychology
- Economical psychology
- Engineering psychology
- Forensic psychology
- Functional psychology
- Health psychology
- Occupational psychology
- Organizational psychology
- Perception science
- Personality
- Psychopathology
- Psychopharmacology
- Psychotherapy
- Social psychology