Neonatal Orthoptic Screening Battery (NOSB): Four-decade Experience of Orthoptic Best Practice


  • Mondelli Flora "Italian Association of Orthoptists Assistants in Ophthalmology, 98039 Taormina, Italy" & "Order of Healthcare Technicians of Medical Radiology and Technical Healthcare Professions, Rehabilitation and Prevention, 9700 Ragusa, Italy"
  • Barone Rita "Child Neuropsychiatry – Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine – University of Catania, 95199 Catania, Italy" & "Orthoptics and Ophtalmologic Assistance school - Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences - University of Catania, 95199 Catania, Italy"
  • Buscemi Andrea "Italian Association of Orthoptists Assistants in Ophthalmology, 98039 Taormina, Italy", "Study Center of Italian Osteopathy, 95100 Catania, Italy" & "Horus Social Cooperative, 97100 Ragusa, Italy"
  • Coco Marinella "Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, Section of Physiology, University of Catania, 95100 Catania, Italy" & "Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania, 95100 Catania, Italy"



Newborn, Screening, Visual defects, Orthoptic, Best practice


The present study describes the neonatal orthoptic screening battery (NOSB), a comprehensive orthoptic screening, based on four decades of application, aimed at early identification of signs and symptoms of ocular pathology or functional disorders. The NOSB allows for verifying the integrity of ocular components and early detection of functional alterations in ocular movements that could lead to the development of amblyopia or strabismus. The NOSB is the result of 45 years of screening activity in a primary health center assured by the National Health System in the city of Ragusa – Italy. It aims to examine and assess the neonate within the first 3 days of extrauterine life to identify visual system issues as early as possible. The NOSB may be conducted by Orthoptists, healthcare professionals specializing in neonatal and pediatric visual prevention. The Neonatal Orthoptic Screening battery (NOSB) here reported is proposed as a standard suitable for widespread adoption to be considered a "Best Practice".


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How to Cite

Flora, M. ., Rita, B. ., Andrea, B. ., & Marinella, C. . (2024). Neonatal Orthoptic Screening Battery (NOSB): Four-decade Experience of Orthoptic Best Practice. International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, 12, 8–13.


