About the Journal

Abbreviated key title: Int. J. Orthopedics Rehabil.
ISSN: (online): 2313-0954
Periodicity: One Volume per year (Open Access)
Contact us: info@savvysciencepublisher.com
International Journal of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation is a peer-reviewed journal committed to the dissemination of high-quality research related to the current trends and advances in orthopaedics, musculoskeletal traumatology, orthopaedic rehabilitation and related fields from all over the world. Our aim is to provide a platform for the exchange of new clinical and technical information in the most expeditious way and encouragement of cross-fertilization of ideas related to the field of orthopaedic and rehabilitation.
Journal welcomes original research papers, review articles, expert opinions, case studies, meta-analysis, translational research studies and other evidence-based articles in basic and clinical orthopaedic research.
Basic science topics covered in the scope of the journal may range from cellular, molecular, structural and functional perspectives to tissue engineering, gait analysis, automation and robotic surgery. While clinical research areas may relate to the fields of traumatology, Arthroplasty, Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, limb reconstruction procedures, Spine and Spinal deformities, spinal surgery, joint replacement, sports medicine, orthopaedic oncology, hand microsurgery, foot and ankle surgery, paediatric orthopaedic, orthopaedic rehabilitation including Implant and biomaterial designs though, this is not an exhaustive list.