The Computation of Stiff and Elastic Features of Structures with Time Domain Analysis


  • Fuat Kara Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield, S1 1WB, UK



Hydroelasticity, Boundary integral equation method, Transient wave Green function, Time domain, Neumman-Kelvin linearisation, Euler-Bernoulli beam


Hydroelasticity of marine structures with and without forward speed is studied directly using time dependent Boundary Integral Equation Method with Neumann-Kelvin linearisation where the potential is considered as the impulsive velocity potential. The exciting and radiation hydrodynamic parameters are predicted in time with transient wave Green function whilst the structural analysis is solved with Euler-Bernoulli beam method at which modeshapes are defined analytically. The modal analysis is used to approximate the hydroelasticbehaviour of the floating systems through fully coupling of the structural and hydrodynamic analyses. As it is expected, it is found with numerical experience that the effects of the rigid body modes are greater than elastic modes in the case of stiff structures. The predicted numerical results of the present in-house computational tool ITU-WAVE are compared with experimental results for validation purposes and show the acceptable agreements.


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How to Cite

Kara, F. . (2022). The Computation of Stiff and Elastic Features of Structures with Time Domain Analysis. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Technology, 10, 31–41.


